I have a favor to ask. My cousin and his wife recently miscarried their precious child. This was to be their first child. While they, and the family, know that God has a bigger plan that is not yet comprehended, it is still an incredibly painful situation right now. Your thoughts and prayers are greatly felt and appreciated. This causes me so much grief. To know the joy that was felt and to now question why it had to happen this way. So much hurt. The silver lining to the story is knowing how happy that little baby is, the first face he or she sees being Jesus Christ. How beautiful.
Thank you for posting this on your blog! You certainly didn't have to but that you did speaks volumes of love for Dave and Ruthie! It is oftentimes discouraging...no, just sobering I guess...how life is viewed from the darkness that is our world and how loud its voice can be and yet there is hope, isn't there?!? Personally, I was really looking forward to being "auntie" to my sister's baby, but now stand firm in God's sovereignty, whether I understand it or not. Thank you for sharing a fragment of that blessed hope that we have with your readers!