- Went to bed at 3 {after delighting in the fact that I would be going to bed at a normal human time...lame}
- Awoke at noon
- Dishes
- Prepped dinner CrockPot style {one of my favorites "styles", I must say}
- Drove to the dump to drop off our recycling {I'm still angry that Glendale doesn't do recycling pick-up}
- Took advantage of the extreme wind and laaaaaaaiiiiid by the pool! BEST LAY OUT EVER. I was in lazy-woman bliss. I felt I was at the beach because it was a typical Phoenix sunny day, but the wind was in high gear so the heat didn't bother me a bit. Another perk: I was one of the only ones at the pool today. Sooo nice and relaxing.
- Final preps to dinner...plus making some puppy chow :-)
- Shower and make-up play time
- Nice Jesus and friend time at Verge
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Tuesday In Review
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
My Husband Rocks
My husband rocks pretty hard core at this internship bizzzzzznasss. He may not blog like I do, but he thought maybe a video blog could be the answer. Therefore, NEW VIDEO BLOG UPDATE!
{I was going to put the video right here, but YouTube is being stupid}
Yep, he's the best
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Unhappy Hipsters
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"He refused to change his shirt lest he disappear forever." |
Source: Unhappy Hipsters
This crap is hysterical.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
April 20, 2011
Yesterday was April 20. That is, 4/20. If you don't know what that means...it's probably best. However, you totally won't understand the next pictures. Hehe it was so much fun! Remember how last week we went to The Cheba Hut? We went this week...on 4/20.
The place was packed. I expected there would be lots of people, but I didn't anticipate tents, Mardi Gras type beads {Yes, I'm wearing some in that pic. They gave 'em to me. I don't smoke none of that wacky weed.}, things for sale, & a dude outside rapping. Yeah. Rapping. Apparently it's a freakin' holiday.
The place was packed. I expected there would be lots of people, but I didn't anticipate tents, Mardi Gras type beads {Yes, I'm wearing some in that pic. They gave 'em to me. I don't smoke none of that wacky weed.}, things for sale, & a dude outside rapping. Yeah. Rapping. Apparently it's a freakin' holiday.
I hope you have a super fantabulous Friday lined up. Cheer up, folks! Easter is right around the corner!
All that being said, please please please keep my dear friend Kristi, and her whole family, in your thoughts and prayers. Her dad has been fighting Stage IV cancer for the past several weeks/months and early this morning his fight came to an end. He's dancing with God, now, but it's still so ridiculously difficult to bear for everyone down here. This all happened pretty quickly so the more support behind this family, the better. Thank you so incredibly much.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
While reading my blog updates, I found this gem over at Dash It All. This chick is immensely cooler than me:
Is your mind blown? Because mine totally is.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Relax, Unwind
After a Crazy {yes, with a capital C} day at work yesterday, I arrived home at about 8, went straight to the loveseat to lay down a bit and quickly fell asleep as Phill was tinkering around in the kitchen. I awoke to Phill's snores on the couch and, assuming it was probably pretty late, woke him up and said we should just go to bed. After prepping for bed, I went to the bedroom and realized...it was only 9:30. And we still went to bed. It was so amazing to be tired at a normal human time {actually before most-humans' time}. The time aside, I can't remember the last time I was that tired. I must've fallen asleep in less than 5 minutes time when I laid down on the loveseat. That seriously {seriously} never happens.
Today, all I've done is grocery shop {which I awkwardly love}, catch up on Facebook and blogs, & get up to date on Glee :-) That's all-around lazy and awesome in my book.
Today, all I've done is grocery shop {which I awkwardly love}, catch up on Facebook and blogs, & get up to date on Glee :-) That's all-around lazy and awesome in my book.
Tonight, Verge {our weekly college-age group}, is having our 2nd movie night. We're watching Goonies and I will most definitely be reminding everyone that it was my suggestion :-) You're jealous, I know, but I'll consider you with me in spirit!
I felt cute today. Pay no mind to the orb on my skirt and the general crappiness of the photo. |
loves to all
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Another Sunday, Another Wonderful Lesson
Today was the 3rd and last weekend in the series SHIFT at New Life. Yet again, it was seriously eye-opening and greatly appreciated. Seriously, dudes. I love my church. I'll share my notes with you! My notes actually make sense this time!
So, how do I know I'm serving in the area in which I'm gifted? It's actually pretty simple: You're good at it (we're not talking just your opinion)!
God doesn't want mediocrity that results from serving outside your gifts when you could be doing SO MUCH MORE! We could be much more effective in bringing glory to God!
You shouldn't be working to the best of your ability, but to the best of God's ability, which means utilizing the gifts God has given us!
Sloppy leadership leads people out of guilt; Spiritual leadership leads people out of gifting.
How do you know it's the right thing? You love to do it. People will affirm you when you're working within your gift and passion.
It might be time for a change and not just for your own sake.
Our pastor often leaves us with the following verse as a benediction at the end of a service:
I don't know about you, but it was really enlightening to hear this sermon today. I've frequently been complaining about my job and this-and-that, and, even though I have been pursuing change, it's not so much in the foreground of my life. I had never heard a sermon on this topic. So often, especially in churches, we are constantly begging for volunteers or someone to help with this event or some people to work in the nursery, without really considering who we might get to fill these spots and what their true talents may be.
Shift from marginal to unimaginable.
We often do things in church or "for God" because that's what church people do, not from a passion or desire to serve in that capacity. In a sense, we re-gift--we put people in an area where they aren't gifted or don't belong in order to fill a void. We often guilt them and the moment they say "yes" everybody loses. Most importantly, God loses because the highest praise and greatest talents are not being put to His benefit.
Romans 12:4-6 reads:
"For just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others. We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us..."
So, how do I know I'm serving in the area in which I'm gifted? It's actually pretty simple: You're good at it (we're not talking just your opinion)!
God doesn't want mediocrity that results from serving outside your gifts when you could be doing SO MUCH MORE! We could be much more effective in bringing glory to God!
You shouldn't be working to the best of your ability, but to the best of God's ability, which means utilizing the gifts God has given us!
Sloppy leadership leads people out of guilt; Spiritual leadership leads people out of gifting.
Find your gift and match it with your passion!
How do you know it's the right thing? You love to do it. People will affirm you when you're working within your gift and passion.
It might be time for a change and not just for your own sake.
Our pastor often leaves us with the following verse as a benediction at the end of a service:
"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen."To HIM be the glory! When we put our gifts (that He has given us) to use, we bring the greatest glory to our Lord. What really struck me as fascinating is how we can't even imagine what it would look like if we ALL made the shift to purposefully utilize our gifts and passions. We can't even imagine it!
I don't know about you, but it was really enlightening to hear this sermon today. I've frequently been complaining about my job and this-and-that, and, even though I have been pursuing change, it's not so much in the foreground of my life. I had never heard a sermon on this topic. So often, especially in churches, we are constantly begging for volunteers or someone to help with this event or some people to work in the nursery, without really considering who we might get to fill these spots and what their true talents may be.
Interesting, huh?
This weekend's message isn't posted online, yet, but soon you can catch it here:
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Trust in the LORD

I have a favor to ask. My cousin and his wife recently miscarried their precious child. This was to be their first child. While they, and the family, know that God has a bigger plan that is not yet comprehended, it is still an incredibly painful situation right now. Your thoughts and prayers are greatly felt and appreciated. This causes me so much grief. To know the joy that was felt and to now question why it had to happen this way. So much hurt. The silver lining to the story is knowing how happy that little baby is, the first face he or she sees being Jesus Christ. How beautiful.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Cheba Hut...and a Dead Dog
Yesterday we ate lunch at...the Cheba Hut. Yes. For reals. It was super tasty, but I was anticipating a police raid at any moment.
I thoroughly enjoyed my meal, though. They had several veg options and they have Koolaid. I may not have drank the Koolaid, but how freakin' sweet is it that they serve it?
I'd also like to give a shout-out to my super-fantastic husband. I woke him up last night to talk about things {I'm a girl, duh} and not only did he oblige, but he eased my worries and made everything better. He's wonderful and I'm the luckiest girl in the world.
Also, I find this video super-fantastic. I have no idea what the purpose could possibly be, but it never fails to make me bust up into laughter.
Also, I enjoy this video in response to little Miss Rebecca Black's recent video
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This is not a joke |
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Tasteful wall mural |
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Bahahaha. Can you see why I was afraid to encounter a cop?! |
I'll tell you: It's freakin' sweet. Thanks, Phoenix. Thanks.
We're watching Henry again this weekend. After much play and inappropriate air humping, Margot is finally starting to tucker out. Here she lies motionless while Henry looks on.
I'd also like to give a shout-out to my super-fantastic husband. I woke him up last night to talk about things {I'm a girl, duh} and not only did he oblige, but he eased my worries and made everything better. He's wonderful and I'm the luckiest girl in the world.
Also, I find this video super-fantastic. I have no idea what the purpose could possibly be, but it never fails to make me bust up into laughter.
Also, I enjoy this video in response to little Miss Rebecca Black's recent video
Have a Happy Friday Everyone
Monday, April 11, 2011
Lazy Monday Evening
It's been a weird day. Did your Monday go as normal or was it funky like mine?
- I slept in like crazy, but never felt very well rested
- To accompany the unrest, I had a funky not-severe-but-still-annoying headache
- My emotions seemed muted. I really didn't care too much what happened today.
- After deciding not to do, well, much of anything, I got dressed and...did things: Stop by church, revisit our soon-to-be-new-home complex, drop off recycling to the landfill that closed 20 minutes before I arrived {annoyed}, return items to library, pick up dishes from our friends {we brought them dinner last week since they just had a baby!}, drop off clothes at Goodwill, & make dinner
- After dinner we watched some TV
- After TV...nothing. There was mention of watching a movie, but after no decision on a film was made neither of us made a real effort and I just continued to surf the blogisphere while Phillip fell asleep
Margot pillow |
I love that little face to pieces |
He fell asleep like this...at 8:30PM |
Tonight, I find myself wishing I lived somewhere where I could truly enjoy the beginning of Spring. Here, we're basically just transitioning from Spring to SUMMER. It was refreshing, however, to have a cool, rainy weekend. Aaahhhhhh I loved it sooo!
Here, my lack-of-Springtime-therapy:
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Saturday, April 9, 2011
Date Day, Date Night
It was so nice to spend yesterday with my husband on his day off and actually DO something!
Phillip & Alyssa's Day-to-Night Date:
{Please excuse the photo editing. I'm tired and I really just want to go to bed}
Phillip & Alyssa's Day-to-Night Date:
- Alyssa's ass gets handed to her by Camelback Mountain. Apparently I just can't handle hiking right now. This was a very embarrassing, humbling, rude-awakening sort of experience. I am lame.
- Head home to freshen up
- Hit up downtown Phoenix's cute little boutiques and outdoor shopping {without buying a thing}
- Eat dinner at one of the best restaurants ever: Seasons 52. We went to one on our honeymoon and discovered yesterday that there is one RIGHT HERE WHERE WE LIVE! So we took our old Olive Garden gift cards from Christmas {they take 'em at Seasons 52 because they're owned by the same company} and treated ourselves to some niiiiice food and real conversation with each other.
- Super tasty gelato where we, ironically, saw our friend Luis and his girlfriend, Tiffany. This was only my second time meeting her, but I'm pretty sure we should become bff's...even if only because she was wearing some supa fly pants {forgiving the fact that Luis is constantly berating me for being a vegetarian}.
- After dinner movie, discounted with our BuyWithMe coupon, at the swankiest theatre I have ever seen. See Phill reading that menu? Yeah, that's inside the theatre. Each seat has a little call bell that you can press to ring an employee if you need something. There was a bar in the movie theatre and, according to Phill, sometimes they have showings that are 21+ where they serve alcohol during the showing. Crazy! It was all a little weird, though, because the theatre wasn't nearly as packed as I would expect a super-awesome theatre to be.
- Head home and regret staying up so late because I have to work in the AM
Much Love
Friday, April 8, 2011
Religion Is Interesting
Today, one of my patient's gave me this book. He is a Jehovah's witness {foreword: I have no personal vendetta against this, or any, religion and/or faith}. I found the gesture very thoughtful, but I can't help but react to some of the pictures included in this little gem.
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{I may, or may not, have taken some liberties with this one} |
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Phillip & I found this book pretty interesting. I may not agree with all their beliefs, but I am impressed with how unashamed my patient was to offer me a Bible and this little teach book.
Monday, April 4, 2011
What Do You Have to Say "Yes" To?
First, the most beautiful food:
Sooooooooo many lovely veggies! So tasty. I swoon. I created this?! Yay for me {And you best believe that's some homemade dressing in the blender}
Now onto MUCH more important matters...
This past weekend at New Life we were blessed to hear from Pat McCalla from Streetlight. It's really remarkable the impact that is being made by this organization, but it's equally remarkable the amount of slavery that is still thriving strong today. I've mentioned Streetlight a few times before, but their mission {to eradicate sex slavery in Phoenix and across America} is truly commemorable and beautiful. I strongly encourage you to listen to the service Pat put together and to hear the truly incredible journey of Carolyn Jones. The tears I shed during this service resulted from the reminder of how truly great is our God. There is so much to be done. Wanna know the good part? We have all the tools we could ever need.
Hear the whole service HERE
Did you know...
- There are more slaves today than ever before in U.S. history
- The average age of a sex slave in Phoenix & across the country is 13
- According to the Department of Justice, there are 100,000-300,000 child sex slaves on the street today
"He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God."
...what God requires {NOT an option}...to act justly and to love mercy.
Justice. What does it mean?
- To see things through the eyes of God
- How things ought to be, or how they will be
Here is where we can bring it home: "Me to You is Walking Humbly"
To walk humbly is to realize & understand who we are in relationship to God, in relationship with each other, and to recognize where brokenness lies in our own lives.
Humility allows us to see our brokenness and SHIFT our thinking from me to you.
From me to you
So...the question begs to be asked: What do you have to say "yes" to? The question is not "what problem is affecting my life right now?"
What are your God-given strengths? In what area are you truly on fire and effective? You may think there is no impact to be made by you alone, but where else where a SHIFT begin than with a single person?
Please, oh PLEASE listen to the message. Here, I'll even post the link a second time:
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Grand Canyon 2011-Revisited (Image Heavy!)
My bro, Trey, uploaded his awesome shots from Spring Break onto Facebook. Therefore, it is my duty to brag and share them with all the world. Here ya go.
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Best bro and sis pair ever. It's been proven. |
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Gosh, my parents are so dang cute. |
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Reds fan, anyone? |
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Momma loves her pup |
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Man, I can't believe I live here! |
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Mother & Daughter duo atop South Mountain |
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The entire Valley behind us |
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Apparently, I was feeling brave and made leggings my 'pants'. Whatevs it's a cool shot, |
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That's one good looking family photo, huh?! |
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"And right over there, sweetie, is where the south meets the west and the sun begins to set at approximately 6:58pm as you can easily tell due to to.........................." |
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Snow-covered peaks |
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The kids at the Grand Canyon |
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Again-cutest ever |
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Broster and the GC |
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Denim Dan visited, too. I especially enjoy the kid's face, as he gazes upon the fleshy, hairy thighs in awe and wonder. |
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TA-DA! |
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Beautiful Phoenix sunset |
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