Sunday, May 29, 2011

Alone, By Myself

Welp, Phillip leaves today for jr. high camp. I wish I was going, too :-( However, I'm stuck here in no-camp-no-fun land where work is king. Lamesauce.

It's kinda strange--this definitely not the first week I've spent alone while Phill is at camp, but I'm feeling much more anxiety about it this time around. Actually, maybe it's not even related to Phillip being gone. I'm at work, so it's probably just due to that one little fact alone. WORK = Anxiety. It's not even a bad day {thank God for that}!

I plan to take these next few days snuggling and going on walks with Margot, prepping for my tattoo consultation {so excited!}, and enjoying a girls' day tomorrow. Enjoy the rest of your weekend everybody!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving me that kind message! It does sound kind of southern peachy huh? :) I'm looking forward to reading your blog as well!

