{From now on, this is how we will refer to Phill...well, ok, at least I will}
Simply put, my husband rocks. Our friend, Sean, told me that at the church staff meeting on Thursday, the whole crew was singing Phill's praises. Apparently, there was a standing ovation involved. Hahaha
I'm glad Sean mentioned this to me because you KNOW Phill had no intentions of filling me in. Me? If the roles were reversed this would have been the first thing I talked about when seeing my spouse, but Phill is a smidge too humble for that. Did I mention I married the most awesome man ever?
I just got home from the Talent Night at church. This is the ONE fundraiser the kids put on to raise money for camps, trips and other various activities. Basically, people pay admission to eat food {awesome food, fyi} and watch a show. The kids are the show. Some sang, some put together videos, one played piano, one showed a video of her ice skating, and one even demonstrated her karate skills! These kids are brave and super cool. This night was another shining example of how amazing the hubs is. He basically runs everything behind the scenes. Most people don't realize how much time this takes. A kid gives him a disk of photos to play as a slideshow. Simple, right? WRONG. Whenever Phill opens the file, ProPresenter {the program which runs everything} freezes up. Therefore, he must find a way for it to work. Apparently it involved putting every picture into a Powerpoint slide, or something. Add in lights, music, video, sound checks and all the other little tasks involved with the night {oh, yeah and everything else in New Life youth} and you've got one busy dude. Plus, he wore a tie, skinny pants, and dress shoes tonight so...bonus points.
He's learning so much and enjoying it which pleases the heck out of me. I'm so stinking proud of him. I thank all of our supporters SO INCREDIBLY MUCH for allowing him this opportunity to learn while also helping the kids to develop their faith and learn more about God.
He's a rockstar |
My Husband, The Awesome
The one and only...no, seriously he's the only Phillip Oprie
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