I am an emotional basket base this evening. Feeling worthless, feeling content, terribly longing to be with my family, tearing up from happiness, tearing up for hopefulness, tearing up with uncertainty.
Then again...I am a female in "that time" of the month. TMI? Get over it, I guess :-)

I discovered a new blog to adore via Danielle's blog at Sometimes Sweet. I love you to the moon is the blog-child of Amber, one seriously amazing woman. I have just now thoroughly read over the past couple months' worth of her posts and I'm blown away. She's incredibly wise beyond her years {even younger than myself}. I couldn't help but feel strongly encouraged after reading into her little part of the world. To be perfectly honest, I was somewhat annoyed, at first, when reading her posts. I was jealous and frustrated by the perfect marriage, rocking body and devotion to {ahem, love for? [I know, I don't understand it either]} physical fitness, obvious devout relationship with the Lord, and killer looks and style to boot. However, as I read further and started to really reveal the lady behind the text, I'm beginning to see that it's not about perfection {which I'm positive she would deny and, likely, laugh at}. It's about learning what the truly important things are in life and making them a priority. The highest priority.
I've been spending A LOT of time focusing on, and worrying about, the future. Uuuggggghhhhhhh it's such a bad thing! I've made many half-hearted goals to "turn my life around" or "get on the right track" or "really start things fresh" as of late, but as of tonight I'm making a strong devout promise and goal to myself. This isn't one specific goal, per se, but more a general life shift in which I'm vowing to live my life to the fullest.
I will seek out the presence of God in the world around me.
I will shamelessly snuggle and play with Margot.
I WILL TAKE CARE OF MY BODY WITH HEALTHY DIET AND PROPER EXERCISE{this may sounds shallow and/or cliche, but this is actually a very real and difficult goal for me to consistently uphold}.
I will purposefully show love and respect for my husband.
I will rejoice in the small pleasures in life.
I will enjoy the feeling of the bright, warm sun on my face.
I will delight in the work that God has provided for this time, and I will patiently, yet actively, pursue future options in order to advance my career where my strengths and passions lie.
I will play a more active role in my relationships with family and friends.
I will worship the Lord my God, and I will seek out and make individual devotion with Him the highest priority.
This list could go on and on, but I think I should stop while I'm ahead, or I'll have too much to handle all at once! I feel I am experiencing a great moment of enlightenment presently, but I also fear that this is all emotional and it will dissipate by the time I awake in the morning. So often the most sincere goals and plans made late at night seem much less important or necessary with the dawning of a new day. In fact, I can nearly guarantee that this will happen. My plan? CONSTANT SELF REMINDERS. This time, I must succeed. This time, I need to take this seriously. I will coast through life NO MORE.
Please, oh please, keep me in your daily thoughts and prayers. This post may all sound vague, but knowing that my well-being is being aided by any and all of you reading this will help.
Fo sho in my prayers lady! That's a great list, I think I will rededicate myself to those things as well! Thanks for the inspiration!