Friday, August 10, 2012


We celebrated our fourth wedding anniversary yesterday.

It didn't start so great with a literal wake up call from the hospital stating I was not selected for the job I had been interviewing for. While it really, really stinks, I kinda already knew in my gut.

It went up from there, though, with a trip to the IMA, dinner at 3 Sisters, a little stop at REI, ice cream sundaes at Ivanhoe's, and a storm to close out the night.

I love him so much. He's always been there for me and I know, with absolute certainty, that he'll continue to be here forever. He even told me last night. :-)


  1. Sorry to hear about the job, I wish you luck in finding the perfect one for you! And Happy Anniversary!

  2. Happy Anniversary! Bummer about the job, but that just means there's something even better coming up! =]
