Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Winter Hike

Yesterday, I had the opportunity to go hiking at Thunderbird Park with two girlies from work {and their doggies!)}. It was so nice to enjoy some time with these ladies outside of our usual environment. I mean, wouldn't you prefer to hang out with cool people free from the threat of call lights, poop, pee, and isolation gowns bogging you down? I thought so.

The past couple days have been oddly wet around these parts. Monday-rain. Monday night-rain. Tuesday-rain. Luckily, the rain subsided long enough for us to enjoy some outdoor time.

As you can see, someone before us had even left some holiday cheer behind for us to discover!
Happy Hump Day!

1 comment:

  1. Ooh a nice, brisk hike sounds so good and refreshing! I LOVE that someone decorated a bush! What a cute idea!
